Who We Are

A Volunteer Yoga Community

The Giving Hearts Yoga Community is a community of volunteers that provides free support to yoga teachers who want to make a difference.

We offer donation based yoga classes, both virtually and through live events, as a means to raise awareness and funding for the organizations and causes teachers care most about. All donations go directly to the teacher’s chosen nonprofit or cause. We work closely with yoga teachers to help them further both their goals and their nonprofit’s mission to help make the world a better place.

Who We Support

Yoga Teachers

We provide free support to yoga teachers wanting to give back to their communities to create positive change.

Our volunteer yoga teachers may select any registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization to dedicate their yoga classes to. We work with our teachers to help them achieve their goals and further their nonprofit’s mission by providing promotional, marketing, production, fundraising, and PR support. Read more about our current and past teachers by clicking the button below.

Our Community

We support our community by offering donation based yoga classes to help teachers further the missions of their chosen organizations and otherwise put goodness out into the world.

Students can take care of themselves while also taking care of others and supporting their favorite yoga teachers. Read more about the nonprofits and causes our teachers support by clicking the button below.

Get Involved

Yoga Teachers

We are always looking to partner with teachers who want to use their gifts to create positive change. Please click the button below for more information on how to get involved.

Individually, we are one drop.
Together, we are an ocean.
– Ryunosuke Satoro

Spread Kindness

The Giving Hearts Yoga Community was created in the spirit of giving back, so we truly believe in paying it forward. Donate your time, energy, and skills to do something kind for someone else! We would LOVE for you to share your story with us on Instagram, or by clicking the button below. Make sure to tag @givingheartsyoga on Instagram!

There is no act of kindness that is too small. Kindness is not only magic, it is contagious, let’s spread it out!

Our Story

The beautiful lotus flower only emerges out of the hard times, out of the mud.

Giving Hearts Yoga emerged out of quarantine during the Pandemic, which had left us feeling isolated, helpless, and wishing that we could do more to help people. We created Giving Hearts Yoga to help people and provide other like-minded yoga teachers a platform to do the same.

Four years later, from the ashes of Giving Hearts Yoga came the Giving Hearts Yoga Community.

The Giving Hearts Yoga Community is a place where yoga teachers can come together, and volunteer to put goodness out into the world. In a world that can at times feel so dark, we’re here to remind ourselves and others that where there is darkness, there is also light.

It is our sincerest hope that this platform be an avenue for yoga teachers to channel their inner lotus flower and make something beautiful out of any situation that life throws their way.

Whether you’re feeling called to do something good, or helpless and wishing that you could do more to counteract the darkness, the Giving Hearts Yoga Community is here to support you and help you shine your light.

Together, we can create positive change and help make this world just a little bit better, and just a little bit brighter.